Is Your Fuel Ready For Winter?
Winter weather brings more than just cold temperatures. It also brings fuel problems. Fuel lines and fuel filters are often plugged with iced and gelled diesel fuel. This costs you expensive downtime and maintenance.
The good news is that a little preparation goes a long way.
We put together a list of recommendations to keep your vehicle where it belongs this winter: On the Road!
Fuel Filter
It's a good idea to replace your fuel filter. A clean fuel filter is far less likely to plug during winter driving conditions.
Water is the number one contaminant of diesel fuel. It can find its way into a diesel fuel system in a variety of ways and will freeze as soon as the temperature reaches 32°F. This results in plugged fuel lines and filters. We recommend the use of a water dispersant like Diesel Aid or Diesel Aid + Cetane.
Fuel gelling is caused when wax crystals, which are naturally present in diesel fuel, solidify. This also leads to plugged fuel lines and filters. The use of an anti-gel like Artic Power or Artic Flo will greatly diminish and, in most cases, even eliminate the possibility of your fuel gelling.
It's always a good idea to carry an emergency fuel additive along for the ride just in case you find yourself with an engine that won't run because the fuel system is plugged up. Emergency additives can solve both icing and gelling issues after they've arisen. Consider bringing along D-Gel during your next trip.
Diesel Fuel Sample Analysis
Diesel fuel sample analysis is a critical component of any fuel management program. Diesel fuel, and biodiesel fuel, is inherently unstable and susceptible to environmental contamination. It breaks down over time and forms gums, varnishes and sludge. It is also contaminated by water, which is introduced into the fuel system by improper handling and storage. These problems lead to expensive downtime and maintenance which is why regular fuel sample analysis is absolutely necessary.
We test the following fuel properties to ensure the quality of your fuel:
- API Gravity
- Color/Clarity
- Cloud Point
- Pour Point
- Microbial Contamination
- Particulate Contamination
- Water Content
If you would like your fuel tested, please request an E-ZOIL Fuel Sample Kit (Part # M119).